Yahoo calendar invitees
One should be able to add people/ invitees to Yahoo calendar entries.
Customise colour scheme of home/lock screen icon
Hi! I'm currently pairing using OneCalendar with Olauncher and a dark colour scheme to be more organised, more productive and less distracted. I have now put the OneCalendar icon on the bottom corner of my tablet lockscreen to make my calendar accessible without usign widgets. It would be great if I could customise the colour scheme and brightness of the OneCalendar icon through the OneCalendar app so I can make it darker. Thanks!
unable to remove an old non-functional account
My email address was changed by my college.
I changed my email address on the account page but can't remove the old email address.
I keep getting Repair error message.
Bitte stellen Sie ein, dass man einen Stapel ICS-Terminen importieren kann..
Bitte stellen Sie ein, dass man einen Stapel ICS-Termine importieren kann..
Exchange account
I purchased this app to have both my gmail account and my work calendar in one place. After purchase and installing, i realized that it cannot connect to my work calendar, which is an exchange account.
Add people to somebody's event (Gmail)
When someone creates an event and adds people to this event (also me) and gives the ability to add other people to this event by people already added. Unfortunately, it isn't possible via the OneCalendar app
Can you add more colours to organise. Also can it have potion to add attachment and notes or tasks. So when you have things to add task can be add has sub task as well
Can you add more colours to organise. Visual way to organise and assign event.
. Also can it have options to add attachment. When you have an event that needs documentation for that event and add an email l.
Also notes or tasks. So when you have things to add task can be add has sub task as well .
Month view "+2" for events not shown
Can a different font or color be used and can it be center aligned? It's very weird how it looks like "March 1+2" in month view.
It should look like "March 1 +2 events"
edit account and repetitions
Would be great if we can edit the account and repetitions of an already saved event. Now that option is not possible.
How to add iCAL calendar (clustermarket)?
I want to be able to add a weblink for a calendar (clustermarket) that uses iCAL - how do I do this?
Visible agenda names, not only different colors
Hello Devops, Not really an android feature, but I have a question about agenda names. I have calendar running on synology. In calendar I have three agendas. When I want to make an appointment in a specific agenda, it is possible to make a color per agenda, which is a nice feauture! I would love to be able to add a name to the agenda which is shown directly after the selected time in the agenda overview. That way I can more easily see which agenda I'm looking at, besides from the different colors. Is this feauture possible?