Since the hyper-brilliant ...
and unique weekly view (without the annoying timeline) in the Android app, it's the best calendar of all time, and that for really small money. I can only praise you, and that almost without restrictions. Thank you for such an unparalleled product!
BEST calendar app for Android 👏👏👏
Thanks and great job. One of the many awesome features is that your app shows as many events in one day as possible. The user doesn't have to go into the week or day view to see all the events (unlike other apps)
This app is just THE BEST for multiple calendars... ESPECIALLY across platforms (ex: one @gmail calendar with one @outlook calendar)… And I search and tried A LOT of apps like yours… Congratulations to your team.
This app is just THE BEST for multiple calendars... ESPECIALLY across platforms (ex: one @gmail calendar with one @outlook calendar)… And I search and tried A LOT of apps like yours… Congratulations to your team.
Thank you
I love the look and feel, great features, fantastic that it is available for both Windows and Android so that we can have it on our phones and PCs. I also am extremely happy to see this feedback forum with voting, etc. This app looks to have the greatest potential of all the calendar apps i have tried thus far.
I hope to switch myself and family members all over to OneCalendar soon. (I just won't be able to until there is the option for multiple custom reminders for calendar events, as we rely too heavily on reminders... but outside