Could an option be added in the settings so that the reminder does not disappear until the user takes action on it?
The reminder for an event disappears after a short time, at the scheduled end time of the event, in short-term events the reminder is not seen and you forget about the event. Could an option be added in settings so that the reminder does not disappear until the user takes action on it (Edit it, postpone it or deactivate it) ?. Thanks.
Ignore Certain Events
In my work calendar I have "Lunch" and "Focus Time" - this is for other people's benefit so they don't disturb me during this time, but isn't something I need to see, it would be great if there was an 'Ignore List' with title matching that would simply not display those events on the widget.
Move meetings between calendars
Allow meetings to be moved between calendars when not read-only or reoccuring.
I often create events in the wrong calendar - in Outlook desktop it's easy to drag and drop across, it would be great to just drop down to change the calendar of an appointment/meeting.
(A confirmation dialog might be good to stop accidental moves?)