Synchronization Error - Apple
My events are not syncing. We use One Calendar with an Apple Calendar.
Sync Error "Unexpected end of the file has occurred. The following elements are note closed multistatus. Line 17539, position 1."
Our staff has been seeing this error for the past 4 days.
Ik wil graag de app synchroniseren met de telefoon. ik heb premium
Ik heb premium gekocht en wil graag de agenda ook via mijn telefoon synchroniseren
What is webcal syn intervall?
Hello, what is the default sync intervall of a webcal calendar (webCal Account Type) in onecalendar?
Does the configured sync settings (1day, 12h, 8h and direct) also work for webcals? I dont understand, what "direct" means? When I configure "direct" under "Automatic synchronisation" setting, does this mean every 1 minute webcal is checked for new calendar entries?
When I am syncing to Office365, my OneCalendar items only display those invites to which I have responded.is possible?
When I am syncing to Office365, my OneCalendar items only display those invites to which I have responded (accept or tentative). I would like to see all invites. Is this possible?
Free version not emailing meeting participants?
I've just downloaded OneCalendar and using CalDav to connect to a Synology calendar (not the Synology connector).
The Synology NAS is not running a mail server but I am expecting notifications to be sent to participants via the email app on my phone?
Choix des couleurs de RDV
Ça serait vraiment super bien de pouvoir avoir un plus large choix de couleurs quitte à créer un nuancier pour créer ses propres couleurs
En vous remerciant par avance
I like your availability of 1st, 2nd Tuesday each month. Can you add a recurring event for the first *business* day of the month? It would add the only thing missing ftom OneCalendar
I have a few events which occur on the first business day of the month, regardless of the day of the week. This is the only option I can't schedule correctly in OneCalendar. This is especially important for adding an entry for the first business day in January, for instance, as well as all months whetr the first business day is not always on the same day of the week.
Great work, by the way.
Änderung an Wiederholungsterminen
Ich musste einen meiner Wiederholungstermine verändern. Im Nachgang ein Enddatum setzen ging nicht. Da habe ich ihn schließlich gelöscht. Nun hat er ihn nicht nur für die Zukunft, sondern auch in der Vergangenheit gelöscht. Jetzt habe ich keinen Nachweis mehr im Kalender, das ich den Termin stattfinden lassen habe.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit Wiederholungstermine zu bearbeiten?
Kann ich auch nur zukünftige Termin löschen?
Herzlichen Dank für eine schnelle Lösung
Melissa Meyer
Doesnt include all my Google Calendar entries.
This doesnt include all my Google Calendar entries. Such as one repetitive entry I have for tomorrow. It has other repetitive entries, but not this one and others I have yet to discover. All is synced.
Data Loss
I recently bought a new phone. While I was trying to open OneCalendar with my new phone, although I entered my account, the previous dates I planned two months ago didn't show up. I can not see what I have done for the last two months. There is an interesting situation. When I re-download OneCalendar app in my old phone and enter my account I can see the period of the last two months. As far as I am concerned data is stored in the cloud so, what might be the problem. If I can not find a solution ı
Monthly widget shows + x number next to date
Monthly widget shows + x number next to the day dates, seems to collerate with how many appointments I have that day on my office 365 calendar. Doesn't do that with my Google calendar
Wochentag im Widget
Die Terninübersicht im Widget wäre anschaulicher, wenn auch bei den Terminen der Folgewochen neben dem Datum auch der Wochentag angezeigt wird (oder Unterstrich, wenn neue Woche).
Not getting reminders for 'All day' events
In the settings I have the 'Start time of day' set to 9AM and I have the default 'All day reminder' set to 30 minutes. I expected that I would get the reminder at 8.30AM, but I never get a reminder for all day events
I have this on Android and windows10 and seeing the same behaviour on both.
new phone without premium
Hello, I have a new phone, on the last one i can change colors, on new one it is as premium function. It is possible move premium to new phone? Thanks
Is it possible to switch from one calendar to another ?
I subscribe to many calendar (through a caldav account). Is it possible to display only one calendar at a time ? There is a seemingly related icon but it only lets me select either all calendars, or none of them... Is it a bug? a premium feature?
How to synchronize calendar of Xiaomi calender?
Can you tell me how to synchronize calendar Created by the Xioami Calendar, the default calender of XIAOMI mobile.