Automatic webcal refresh
I would like a way to automatically update my webcal calendars (i.e. similar to tapping "Sync" in the app). Currently, my Google calendars sync quickly, but it is important to get updates on my webcal calendars as well. If not built in directly to OneCalendar, this behavior could also be achieved by creating a Sync intent (which could then easily be triggered by users via Tasker). Thank you.
Id like to attach images etc. Foto of an work order where all details are and so one
Id like to attach images etc. Foto of an work order where all details are and so one
Is there any way to differentiate colours between an all day event and the regular appointments?
That way in day view they sit at the top in a different colour a bit like birthdays......
Time shown on monthly calendar
It would be nice if the monthly calendar could show the time of an event like the business calendar app is able to
Die Schrift der Tagesansicht ist in der Android-Version viel zu klein. Bitte induviduelle Einstellung zulassen!
The font of the day view is far too small in the Android version. Please allow individual adjustment!
dial phonenumer directly out of the entry
when i open a meeting, i whant to dial the phonenumber thats in there directly,
now, i have to copy and paste it to dial
The WHITE color should also be available
There is no option to chose white or no color as an event's background or calendar theme.
"SAME APP" as OneCalendar but for CONTACTS
Could you please please please make a similar apps as OneCalendar but for CONTACTS. It would combine @gmail contacts with @outlook and so on, without actually merging them. Just showing both account on the same interface... and with an integrated dialer or linked to the phone native one.
The native contact app on my old Samsung Galaxy S3 did just that superbly... but I now have a Google Pixel 2 and the native contact app does not support combining an @outlook contact list with a @gmail one (strongly suspect this is on purpose by google and/or microsoft). I had to
Add maps app selection
Allow to select which maps app to use for location.
The app does not remember contacts?!
I have to type in my husband's email address every time I share an event, daily with him. On the outlook app it remembers my contacts.
Option for different ("signal"?) color for 'Today' in widget
I just missed an event today, because years of using Smooth Calendar widget where 'Today' item can have its own custom color have spoiled me. One glance, and you immediately see that you have something happening today.
If not a separate custom color, then maybe just have a checkbox to optionally apply the "signal color" (as defined in the main app's theme menu) to the 'Today' item text? That would make today's events stand out visually from the future ones in the widget, much like that Signal color option does in the main app.
Renommer les calendriers partagés
Il serait utile de pouvoir renommer les calendriers partagés afin d'avoir en face de chaque couleur choisie le nom du partage plutôt que "calendar" en face de chaque calendrier partagé.
I wanted to have a different sound for One calendar to differentiate it from other notifications. But I don't see that option. I think it uses the one that is set in Google Calendar right?
I would like the ability to customize notification tones in One Calendar. Apparently it now uses the tone from Google's calendar.
Events and Themes
I love this app! It's perfect! I am just now needing to post events from my Gmail into my calendar. That would be a nice update, and some more color themes. Just regular color themes
Reoccurring appointments
I would like to be able to have a repeat function but not have it copy all of the contents without being able to edit it. Sometimes you have reoccurring appointments that change days and time like physical therapy where you want to keep the subject and location but need to adjust the date and time. I think this should be easier.
Improve List View
I prefer to use the list view, but it's hard to look at and messes with my eyes. It would be easier to look at if the month calendar at the top of the screen was bigger and more spread out, maybe taking up the top third or more of the screen. If you look at the standard calendars on Samsung or iPhones, the formats are easier to look at and the month calendar on top takes up the whole top of the screen, not just a bunch of numbers squished together in a small space.
Make meeting location selectable
Currently it's not possible to copy meeting location, we can only click "navigate". Our company puts Zoom or Teams links as meeting location, and I can't join from mobile because I can't copy the link - it's obviously not map address. Please make location text selectable.