Add ability to set multiple alarms for reminders and appointments
Can you add the ability to set multiple alarms for reminders and appointments? The Google calendar has that feature, and it really helps. For example, I might want to give myself a 1-2 day advance warning about an event and another an hour before it. That’s a valuable feature. For some events, I set multiple reminders.
Ability to change calendars
Once an item (date, appt, meeting etc) has been saved. I’d like to be able to change the calendar for it without having to put in all over and then deleting the original one.
I have to share certain calendars with certain people so I have Multiple calendars attached to this. But I need them all displayed in my own personal calendar.
Please make it possible to create “custom” colors for our calendars. Thank you!
Please make it possible to create “custom” colors for our calendars. I sync this calendar with my macbook and would like to use the same colors in both places so they are instantly recognizable to me. Thank you so much.
I wish to edit a series from certain date onwards, previous series should remain intent
I wish to edit a series from certain date onwards. Previous events should remain intent
Edit Serial appointments (iOS)
At first i would like to say thanks for your good work. It would be perfect if we could edit serial appointments.
Best wishes,
Add Free/Busy Field
Most other Calendar Apps, including Gmail and Outlook include a "free/busy" field. Please add this Field to OneCalendar, and properly sync the Field with other apps.
Has ability to change repeat event settings
If you set up an event to be repeated at a regular interval, like weekly, that setting does not go away. If you accidentally forget to put a time limit it goes on forever and Hass to be removed manually from each event.
Ability to increase FONT size for calendar appointments and events
It would be great to be able to increase font size for the calendar appointments and events
I would like to be able to categorize by color
I would like to be able to categorize by color. For example sports could be blue on my calendar, college work could be green, and dinner dates could be purple. That way I get a better perspective when viewing my month at a glance
Import and export ICS files
Add a feature to import and export events from ICS files. Very useful for migrating or merging your calendar from some server to another.
PS: if someone reading this is looking for a workaround to import his calendar to OneCaledar, use Mozilla Thunderbird with Lightning calendar on a desktop computer (Win, Linux and Mac), it has an import/export feature in menu "Events and tasks".
Swipe up and down to change the current view
I almost ever use the week-view but sometimes I have to change it to day-view and hate to push the menu on the top left and do the change just to see more information of one particular day. It really sucks.
Instead of doing this, I'd like to swipe down and accordingly to the day I started to swipe from, the day view of the day I started to swipe from will appear. Swiping up from the week view will enter the month view. Swiping up again will reenter the day view of the selected day (starting point of swiping).
Add the option to shown just 3 day schedule (like Google Calendar has)
I like this option better than the week schedule. For me the columns strat to become to narrow to make any sense of what appointments I have. The 3 day schedule layout helps to combat that issue.
Would be great if you can make it available for the apple iWatch.
Wonderful app. Please make it available for Watch users. Thanks!
Add possibility to scroll callendar up and down please.
It would be better to scroll callendar up and down instead left, right, or to have this kind of option to be used for one callendar users.
open a link to a teams or zoom meeting directly from OneCalendar
It would be nice to be able to open a link to a teams or zoom meeting directly from OneCalendar. Now you have to copy the link and open it in a browser