Hover event show event details an to which calender it belongs
If you hover over an entry it should show the details as a tooltip + it should be easy visible to which calender the entry belongs to
Show more than 3 events per day in the month view in the PC version
I'd like to visualize more than 3 events per day in the month view in order to have a general view of the month's events.
Resize the Window
please add an option, to make the content of the app smaler. Everything its just huge, im using a 43" Monitor and i thing the app takes 70% of the screen when i start it.
Thanks alot
Change notification sound
please add an option to change the notification sound to something user specific.
Minimize instead of closing / Windows
please add an option to "Minimze instead of close" when i press the X button.
its more natural to press the X button, but then you get no notification , sync and everythin else anymore.
this is so anoying.
I want a list of how many hours will be left for the selected schedule item.
I want to prevent it from being forgotten.
Snooze Button for notifications
When you get a reminder notification you should be able to press a sleep button on the notification. So that you are able to close the notification when you are in hurry or in the end of a meeting. After a couple of minutes OneCalendar should remind me again. Like a snooze button on an alarm clock.
Multiple Reminder
Seria excelente poder agregar multiples reminders. Ahora solo deja uno. gracias.
Reminder Snooze
Repeating others suggestions of snooze for reminders. Thunderbird has it, replaced TBird with 1C. That would be a definite reason to go "premium"
It would be very nice to have more color options for events
I have 9 Students, and would like to give each Student a different color for planned events.
Hide month in list view
I love the list view to see what's coming up soon in my calendar! I'd like it even more if I could hide the month at the top of the view and just see my meetings.
Set an appointment as "privat"
I would like to have the possibility to set an appointment as "privat"