PLEASE update OneCalendar to save contacts! It gets tiresome to have to always type in someone's email address every time!
It gets really tiresome to have to manually type in a person's email address every single time to invite that person to a meeting.
PLEASE update OneCalendar to provide the option to save contacts within the app.
Thank you
easily delete or edit events
I would like to easily delete an event by pressing the delete key, or click and drag on the bottom of an event to change the duration, etc. To my mind these are basic features for a modern calendar app.
Navigation via keyboard shortcuts
It would be terrific is there was support for navigating the calendar with keyboard shortcuts (on desktop platforms). This would be a huge plus both for accessibility and efficiency. Browsing through the calendar is partially possible with cursor keys, though this occasionally fails (perhaps when the main GUI goes out of focus after clicking a right-navbar button). This could be improved. Adding shortcuts for changing view mode (day, week etc.) would be fantastic as well.
Hello, is it possible to sync with Nextcloud (caldav) tasks? Unfortunately I can only sync with google and microsoft. Thanks
Add OneCalendar to autostart (Windows 11)
Could you please create an option to add OneCalendar to autostart (Windows 11)
Open calendar to appropriate date if invite
When a calendar invite is added, please open the date that the ics file (or appropriate calendar file type) is set for? It's much more convenient to the accept/deny the request
To be set as the default calendar app for Windows
This app is great. I'd love to see it be able to be set as the default calendar app in Windows 10/11
export and import of account setting of one calendar installation so that we can set them in new devices very fast and easily
I install one calendar on more than one devices using many calendar providers. I need to export my settings so that when I install the calendar in my new device I just need to import my settings no need to add one by one setting manually for each of my calendar provider.
Add ability to add to `agenda` view of taskbar in Windows 10
Windows 10 has `agenda` capability of task bar (like below). Can this be used with OneCalendar?
One calendar can be integrated with Alexa?
Can one calendar be integrated with Alexa? currently only integrates with amazon, google and microsoft calendar
short cuts
Dear developers and users,
Just a quick comment on possible improvements.
What I really miss out on is the ability to use short cuts. Now one has to klick all the time. E.g., to go to 'today' it would be helpful to press ctrl G to go to today, or press escape to go back et cetera.
thanks for your time.
The ability to new event or anything in the LIST view through day buttons.
I like your software very much. I want to create new event in LIST view just like in MONTH view. One click should be enough. However when we want to add anything in LIST view, we have to click day first in the left corner month view then click + button and then click new event...
Set busy vs. free time in a calendar entry (and et a default)
OneCalendar has no provision for setting free / busy / etc. conditions when creating a calendar item. some appointments need this, in which case I usually create the item in OneCalendar then open Outlook.com to edit the calendar item for busy etc.
Could we please have this added to 1C (and the option to set a default value).
expandible boxes area in monthly view.
Using a lot monthly view, could be really usefull to have expandible boxes in tht view 'couse like now, is impossible to see more than 4-5 events in a day
Ability to copy events smoothly from one calendar year to the next
I teach school and moving or copying events from one calendar year to the next needs to be easier. Perhaps allowing the calendar to display two windows at a time where one window is the month from the previous school year and the other is the new school year. Then being able to right click copy an event and then right click paste it into the new calendar. Unless I've missed it, there is no convenient way to move or copy an event without clicking through the full year to the same month on the following year. Each year, I
Exporta data to file
Have the possibility of exporting the data as a backup or take advantage of it in another application as a Excel
The ability to add timezone to an appointment.
It is prone to errors having to convert a meeting in a different timezone (travel). Would be easier and better to add a timezone if need be.
Vertical scrolling
Vertical scrolling is an application standard that has existed for multiple generations of computer software, and mimics real-life interactions with the one of the most common forms of calendar (the spiral-bound one hanging on fridges the world over.)
Yet OneCalendar scrolls sideways. This breaks convention and is counter-intuitive, especially since weeks and days both allow vertical scrolling. Changing this - or at least adding the option - to scroll vertically would be much appreciated. Additionally, if the application did not force one to "stop" on months in month view mode, it would make scheduling appointments near the end of a month,
Incorporar feriados según país
En configuración tener opción de activar días feriados del país del usuario.