snooze option and reminders
It would be very helpful to have a snooze option for an upcoming event, and/or be able to set more than one reminder for the event.
please wrap text within boxes (which are appointments). These are all cut off and I cannot see. Also hovering through like in iCal is useful, to press space bar to preview event.
please wrap text within boxes (which are appointments). These are all cut off and I cannot see. Also hovering through like in iCal is useful, to press space bar to preview event.
Text displayed in the event "Subject" field too small
When wanting to read an event that had a lot of text in the subject/event title rather than on the description, the field that shows the event title/subject is not resizable and only one row of display, essentially cutting off anything else that is written on it, it would be better to have auto resize or auto fit type of display for the event title.
too many clicks - more choices should be automated/preferences
too many clicks
make it easier to ADD EVENTS ! ! !
basic features of any calendar app..
adding entries should be easier- one click... less menus.
Jesus... even this support feedback has too many menus.
less menus, quick clicking add
also, there should be defaults available in preferences - ex, all new adds are 'all day', or 'calendar x'...
too many menuss
Eliminate Modal Error Dialog
I am getting synchronization errors that pop a modal dialog with options "Close" or "View." Considering that the error is not very useful to the user (me), it would be great to have this go to a log with a non-modal notification rather than a modal that interrupts my workflow.
Just a little icing on a really lovely cake! ;-) OneCalendar has already made my life so much easier!
Print version
Es wäre toll, wenn der Kalender auch gedruckt werden könnte – print the calendar for my employer.
Text Display
Is it likely you will improve the font sizing so move text is visible in an appointment when looking at a month view.
The intergration with my various calendars is excellent great work.
Really hoping you can improve the graphics with the app in future versions, until this change I have been used too AWESOME CAL where the graphics work well.
Still overall excellent app.