New Ideas

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    Eliminate Modal Error Dialog

    Tim Larson · 0 · Posted

    I am getting synchronization errors that pop a modal dialog with options "Close" or "View." Considering that the error is not very useful to the user (me), it would be great to have this go to a log with a non-modal notification rather than a modal that interrupts my workflow.

    Just a little icing on a really lovely cake! ;-) OneCalendar has already made my life so much easier!

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    Print version

    Katharinahanni · 0 · Posted

    Es wäre toll, wenn der Kalender auch gedruckt werden könnte – print the calendar for my employer.

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    Text Display

    Dave Wooster · 0 · Posted


    Is it likely you will improve the font sizing so move text is visible in an appointment when looking at a month view.

    The intergration with my various calendars is excellent great work.

    Really hoping you can improve the graphics with the app in future versions, until this change I have been used too AWESOME CAL where the graphics work well.

    Still overall excellent app.



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