It would be nice to be able to edit the time & date for an entire series.
Currently, the time & date are not editable when we open a series, and the only option is to delete and re add with any changes.
add a second reminder
Give the user the option of adding a second reminder time.
snooze option and reminders
It would be very helpful to have a snooze option for an upcoming event, and/or be able to set more than one reminder for the event.
please wrap text within boxes (which are appointments). These are all cut off and I cannot see. Also hovering through like in iCal is useful, to press space bar to preview event.
please wrap text within boxes (which are appointments). These are all cut off and I cannot see. Also hovering through like in iCal is useful, to press space bar to preview event.
Give the colours names/topics/themes!
When I chose a colour of an entry, it would be nice if the colour is connected to/named after a certein topic (e.g. green is always free time activities, blue is always work, red is always...)
View multiple time zones like in Outlook
I would like to view the time in multiple time zones on the left of the week view, just like in Outlook (see screenshot). This is an important feature when scheduling meetings across time zones.
Print version
Es wäre toll, wenn der Kalender auch gedruckt werden könnte – print the calendar for my employer.
Mouseover opens event popup.
I love OneCalendar except for one thing. 90% of the time I just want to click on an appointment to see what it contains. But OneCalendar almost always interprets my mouse click as an attempt to move the time or date of the event. Is there any way (for example by holding down shift) to make the program less prone to default to changing dates/times and more prone to opening an event window. Also for a recurring event series, it is annoying that just to see what the event contains in the week view I have to select single event
copy and paste
Why can't I copy a scheduled event and paste it onto another day for recurring, asynchronous events?
Be able to change calenders in an *existing* appointment
Be able to change calenders in an *existing* appointment. That's all!
Text Display
Is it likely you will improve the font sizing so move text is visible in an appointment when looking at a month view.
The intergration with my various calendars is excellent great work.
Really hoping you can improve the graphics with the app in future versions, until this change I have been used too AWESOME CAL where the graphics work well.
Still overall excellent app.
Feature request: support directly opening Zoom links
It would be great if clicking on Zoom links would directly open the Zoom app.
Change the times of appointments by dragging, without needing to edit it inside
The Apple Calendar has this nice feature where I can adjust the time of an appointment from the outside. You can drag the appointment into a different timeslot and you can make the appointment shorter/longer by reshaping the window.
Continuous scrolling through weeks
Enable continuous scrolling through weeks so that week view can start on any given day and items can easily be copied across weeks
When I have new item to add and it downloads it opens on Mac as ics
which then gets on to Apple calendar and want to do on yours. f you want us to use On calendar makes sense to down to it directly. ICS is Mac version, what is your and unless someone downloads or has found a way to down, you should be able to do it.
Topic/theme colour coding
Ive created a colour code for different activities such as work, birthdays ect but it would be nice if on the side panel where you can filter the different colours, you could also name them to their corresponding task so I know what colours ive used for what tasks :)
Turning off menu bar icon on mac
Could we make the menu bar icon optional in the Mac version? There is currently no way of removing it from the menu bar while keeping the app running.
Make menu bar icon optional
It would be good to be able to turn off the menu bar icon with the app still running.