New Topics

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    For birthdays/anniversaries: selection to set an event e.g. to be every year on this and this day

    Mathilde Scholla · 0 · Posted

    I had this in my old calender that you could repeat events, for example a birthday or christmas always on the 24.december every year or the next so and so years

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    Papasuyz · 0 · Posted




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    Font size too small

    Tnimroody · 0 · Posted

    Font size too small

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    Sicurfare · 0 · Posted

    Hello. It would be amazing to have privacy option for personal events in shared calendars (nextcloud userl

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    Provide ability for added Google Calendar containing a holiday calendar to only show public holidays

    Hiro Shi1 · 0 · Posted

    When adding Google Calendar I can add a regional holiday calendar for a country, e.g. "Holidays in Germany". On Google Calendar directly I have the option to set "Public Holidays only", but not on OneCalendar. With that flag, I only see the public holiday and not any other observances, which I don't want to see. But on OneCalendar, I see no way to achieve this.

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    avoir les evenements passés grisés ou moins lumineux comme google agenda

    rene gridelet · 0 · Posted

    sur google agenda les evenements passés sont moins lumineux ou grisés serait bien sur one aussi

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    Philipp · 0 · Posted


    do you plan to integrate timetree as well?

    Would be awesome.



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    Importing invitation (ics) doesn't import inviteed (invited people)

    wild_oscar · 0 · Posted

    Just noticed that the same invitation received by email (ics):

    1. Imports the invited people if I open in in google calendar app

    2. doesn't import the invited people if I open it in OneCalendar.

    Do you have any idea why this is?

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    Default date displayed on widget is always 20+ days ahead of today

    Calendmario · 0 · Posted

    Hi! I love this app so much, so thank you for all the work you do. 

    I've had this issue on two android phones where the agenda widget always starts with a date 20 or more days into the future, meaning I need to scroll up to see my agenda for today. Can anything be done about this?

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    Sync with Nextcloud, DAVx5 or direct

    Ralf · 0 · Posted

    I'm trying to synchronise my Nextcloud contacts and calendar with my Android phone. I use DAVx5 and it works very well with the contacts app and the calendar app. However, I can't integrate it anywhere in OneCalendar because access via DAVx5 is apparently not possible. It can't be that you can't access device accounts. Is this a programme error? Oh yes, you can specify Nextcloud under Accounts, but this did not work with all variants and settings. Too bad, these problems/errors will probably force me to look for an alternative.

    Translated with (free version)

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    Insufficient storage

    Kontakt · 6 · Last reply by OneCalendar


    I have problems adding and syncing my Nextcloud Caldav-Calendar. Adding seems to work so far, but as soon as I try to read and sync the calendar an error is thrown with status code 507 (insufficient storage). The Nextcloud user has enough storage and the calendar works just fine with other programs including DAVx′5. In my nextcloud error log files I get the corresponding UnsupportedLimitOnInitialSyncException. Looking that up, it seems to be a known issue (see, which is more a client than a server problem. Is there some fix to get the calendar working properly?


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    Easdroidtest · 0 · Posted

    Hi, I am having problems with Sync between Android Device with my CPane;/WHM Mail server.

    I am using the CalDav. protocol.

    Authentication is Ok, problem arise when Sync.

    Got the following error:


    Action: SyncReceiveCalendar Calendar: OneHeart

    System.InvalidOperationException: MoreThanOneElement at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetSingle[XElement](IEnumerable`1 , Boolean& ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[XElement](IEnumerable`1 ) at Dav.Client.CalDav.CalDavServerCalendar.GetAllETags() at XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CalDavBaseAccount`1.<SyncReceiveCalendarFromProvider>d__16[[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CachedCalDavBaseCalendar, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].MoveNext() at XCalendarApp.ProviderBase.AccountProviderBase`9.<SyncReceiveCalendar>d__106[[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CachedCalDavBaseCalendar, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Dav.Client.CalDav.CalendarProperties, Dav.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CachedCalDavBaseAppointment, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[CalDav.iCalendar.Event, CalDav.iCalendar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CachedCalDavBaseContacts, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CachedCalDavBaseContact, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[CardDav.vCard.VCard, CardDav.vCard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider.CalDavBaseAppointmentDbData, XCalendarApp.CalDavBaseProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[OneSuite.Apps.Model.Domain.Accounts.CaldavAccountOptions, OneSuite.Apps.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].MoveNext()

    Hope you can help


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    Ability to hide the calender in list view and just show the appointments of that day.

    Wlmhuygens · 0 · Posted

    This would give me more screen area for the appointments

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    Make call from appointment - ability to highlight phone numbers so you can just press to call

    WMW · 0 · Posted

    Be nice to have the ability to highlight the phone numbers on an appointment so one can just press it to make a call.

    The app that came on the phone does that but it sucks otherwise but use it so I can call upcoming appointments.

    Appreciate any consideration on this - thanks.

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    Dates in Agenda widget between Calender items not left.

    Blauerfrosch · 0 · Posted

    Good Day.

    In the Agenda widget the date is left of the calender items taking a lot of space. Can there not be a option that it above (like a sperter of each day) like this the calender items are shown with more information. 

    In the attachment i try to sketch the option.

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    Add Slovenian translation

    Web · 0 · Posted

    Can you share English strings so I can translate them to Slovenian language?

    Thank you and best regards.

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    Chenge the viee from weekly to daily

    Oliver Osranek · 0 · Posted

    In the weekly view it would be useful to switch to the day view mode by e.g. pressing and holding on the day.

    This would be very helpful to get a quicker overview of the day in a conversation when searching for appointments. 

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    Colour categories

    Mark · 0 · Posted

    In Outlook many people use colour categories to make scanning their diary entries more easily. In OneCalendar these showing diary entries using the colour categories is not available.

    So request is to have a 'view showing colour categories'.