Common Problems

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    Issue with calendar permissions when using multiple calendars under a single CalDAV account

    jykim · 0 · Posted

    I am currently using the OneCalendar app and have encountered an issue regarding calendar permissions when using multiple calendars under a single CalDAV account.

    In my setup, I have one CalDAV account with two calendars. One calendar has "modify" permission, while the other has "none" permission(read only). However, I have noticed that when these two calendars are present under the same account, both calendars become unable to be modified, despite one of them having the "modify" permission.

    It appears that the presence of a calendar with "none" permission is overriding the "modify" permission of the other calendar, causing both to

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    Notifications on the Windows 11 lock screen have stopped working.

    h00LLig@N · 0 · Posted

    After the latest cumulative update for Windows 11 ver. 23H2 2024 05 (KB5037771), One Calendar stopped displaying calendar events on the lock screen. Fix please.

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    sync error -sequence contains more than one element

    ocular57 · 0 · Posted

    cpanel is caldav server - onecalendar been working well on android  and windows 10 computers with my cpanel calendar for 6 months+. About 2 weeks ago all onecalendars developed sync error - I think cpanel version may have updated recently to version 120, not sure if this is the issue - caldav and calendar working OK on Thunderbird - no sync error. have checked the caldav url at the cpanel end.

    If I remove account from onecalendar and re add this is what happens

    and there is now no data in the onecalendar. I cant make sense of the error.

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    Sync on windows app fails.

    Bjarne · 0 · Posted

    When I try to sync on windows app it fails with one error. I have two google calendars registered in the app and only one of them seems to sync anything. Even if I uncheck syncing of both calendars, the error still occurs, so it must be a problem with the app and not the calendar.


    Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Unexpected end when reading JSON. Path '', line 1, position 1.

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    Not sync google account

    Yuri · 0 · Posted

    Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 ().

    CalendarApp.ProviderBase.Exceptions.AccountRequestException: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). ---> CalendarApp.Common.Net.HttpException: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). ---> System.Exception: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). at System.Runtime.InteropServices.McgMarshal.ThrowOnExternalCallFailed(Int32, RuntimeTypeHandle) + 0x21 at __Interop.ComCallHelpers.Call(__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*) + 0xbe at __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_2[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x37 at Windows.Web.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() + 0x18 at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x82d

    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x18b0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where

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    Problem with secure channel

    Kristian · 1 · Last reply by Kristian

    I am running OneCalendar on my Windows10 PC and my Android phone with different calendars (even one CalDav calendar) perfectly since one year. But since two weeks, my Windows App gives an error "Supporting to secure channel there was an error: NO RESPONSE" (see message below) for my CalDav calendar and I am not able to get the calendar. I didn't change anything and my Android app ist still working with the same connection settings. My Let's encrypt cert is valid and working... Is it maybe a bug of the new version? I alreay tried to deactivate the options "Only

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    misplaced my  license

    David M. Slater · 0 · Posted

    Hello - I  misplaced my  license for the Windows version of OneCalendar.

    How can get it ?