New Problems

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    Please support modern authentication methods so I can synchronise Outlook Calendar

    S Cayzer · 0 · Posted

    Apparently, "as part of its effort to reduce the risk of cybercrime, Microsoft has imposed that from Saturday, 1 October 2022 applications that only use basic authentication methods will be blocked from interacting with Mail Exchange Online system." Hence I cannot use OneCalendar with Exchange any more. 

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    Meeting Sync Outlook vs OneCalendar.

    Bert Lamon · 0 · Posted

    Calender accept does not seem to work; when I accepted a meeting in Outlook on my PC, it does not seem to sync to OneCalendar. Meeting is in agenda, but it stays in "invitations" on OneCalendar. I don't know what will happen if I click it, don't want to bother my contacts with my technical probz.  

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    Not sync google account

    Yuri · 0 · Posted

    Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 ().

    CalendarApp.ProviderBase.Exceptions.AccountRequestException: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). ---> CalendarApp.Common.Net.HttpException: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). ---> System.Exception: Запрещено (403).

    Код состояния отклика не указывает на успешное выполнение: 403 (). at System.Runtime.InteropServices.McgMarshal.ThrowOnExternalCallFailed(Int32, RuntimeTypeHandle) + 0x21 at __Interop.ComCallHelpers.Call(__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*) + 0xbe at __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_2[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x37 at Windows.Web.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() + 0x18 at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x82d

    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x18b0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where

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    Recover One Callendar and appointments

    Barryinhudswell · 0 · Posted

    An update wiped out my entire system including my One Calendar and appointments.  I have got back most of my system but need this system.  Can you help please as I also do not have a password with the reminder also wiped out.

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    MS Graph login compliance

    Bart S · 1 · Last reply by OneCalendar


    My new employer works with MS 365, when I try to sync there is a security non-compatibility with MS Graph authorisation. In MS Exchange that never happened. It would be great if that non-compatibility would be solved. Nowadays many people use 365 so it may be worth doing so.

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    can not process payment

    Ihsan Gadi · 0 · Posted


    I am trying to buy premium version but can not. While processing, it asks about address details, and  under country only UK is available.

    Best regards,

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    synchronization error with icloud

    Signe · 0 · Posted


    Just to say I have synchronization errors with iCloud on Windows ("Synchronisaton terminée avec 1 erreur"), and one event actually doesn't synchronize.

    Also, on another event created in One Calendar directly, the Android app doesn't synchronize with the Windows App - no error message.

    Hope this helps fixing the problem.

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    CalendarApp.ProviderBase.Exceptions.AccountRequestException: Not Found (404)

    Keith Goodhead · 0 · Posted

    Error on W10 Pro (21H1)

    CalendarApp.ProviderBase.Exceptions.AccountRequestException: Not Found (404)

    Occurs every time an event is added or manual synchronisation is selected.

    Using Google calendar, also accessed on an Android phone.  Synchronisation appears to be taking place satisfactorily.

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    On the first launch of OneCalendar from Windows attempting to connect with iCloud calendar, I'm getting a Forbidden 403 error. If I sync a second time, there is no error. The error does not seem to affect the processing of the calendar.

    Dale Sedivec · 0 · Posted

    I'm getting a sync error on the first launch of OneCalendar in Windows 11 when attempting to connect with iCloud calendar.  In the same calendar session, if I force a second sync, there is no error, and the calendar seems to function normally.  I have attached the trace, with my specific calendar info replaced by pound signs.

    Also, if I close OneCalendar and re-launch, the sync error does not occur.  After that, it appears that the sync error occurs on every other launch of the calendar.

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    Epost · 0 · Posted

    The Calendar can not be synchronized anymore. Following error message is shown : 


    CalendarApp.CalDavProvider.DavAccountRequestException: Nicht zulässig (403).

    Der Antwortstatuscode zeigt keinen Erfolg an: 403 (Forbidden). : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><D:error xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:cosmo=""><cosmo:forbidden/></D:error> ---> CalendarApp.Common.Net.HttpException: Nicht zulässig (403).

    Der Antwortstatuscode zeigt keinen Erfolg an: 403 (Forbidden). ---> System.Exception: Nicht zulässig (403).

    Der Antwortstatuscode zeigt keinen Erfolg an: 403 (Forbidden). at System.Runtime.InteropServices.McgMarshal.ThrowOnExternalCallFailed(Int32, RuntimeTypeHandle) + 0x21 at __Interop.ComCallHelpers.Call(__ComObject, RuntimeTypeHandle, Int32, Void*) + 0xbe at __Interop.ForwardComStubs.Stub_2[TThis, TResult](__ComObject, Int32) + 0x37 at Windows.Web.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() + 0x18 at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x82d

    --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at CalendarApp.Common.Net.CalendarHttpClient.<ExecuteRequest>d__29.MoveNext() + 0x18b0 --- End of stack

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    The simple year display will be blank

    nazo2004 · 0 · Posted

    Thanks for the great app! The moon display does not seem to work for certain "Scale and Layout" and resolution combinations.

    Environment Computer:UX371EA OS:Windows11 One Calendar:2022.218.1.0 (x64)

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    no reminders pop up

    Johnperrympd · 0 · Posted

    no reminders popup, i have tried re doing them and nothing helps. it worked when first installed, but now has stopped. any ideas. ?

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    different color for a specific appointment

    Ddirin · 0 · Posted

    Overall great app but I have one problem: the description of features says it is possible to select a different color for a specific appointment. However, this option is disabled in the exchange and in doodle calendars. In Gmail calendar this option is active but doesn't work.

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    Add repetition to events

    Bgale2006 · 0 · Posted

    I scheduled an event and saved it just now.    Subsequently, I realized that the event is recurring.  I don't see any way to add recurrence to the event.  Please make it possible to add recurrence to an event. 

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    Caldav error in decoding data

    Mark · 2 · Last reply by

    I was trying to sync my calendar from my email service provider with OneCalendar. However, I get the following error message below. I get the same error when I am trying to sync my calendar on my iPhone. (I changed a few details in the error message where my user ID was shown.)

    Could the reason be that there is something wrong with events that I imported from my old Google Calendar into my current Posteo Calendar?

    Thank you in advance!