Two errors - help!
I am having two errors continually pop up on my Windows 10 version (which I cannot select from the drop down!). I am posting them here for reference. Hope someone can advise what I need to do to get rid of the errors!
The text associated with this error code could not be found.
The operation timed out
CalendarApp.ProviderBase.Exceptions.AccountRequestException: The text associated with this error code could not be found.
The operation timed out ---> CalendarApp.Common.Net.HttpException: The text associated with this error code could not be found.
The operation timed out ---> System.Exception: The text associated with this error code
OneCalendar not syncing all events from google calendar
Not all events in my google calendar sync on One Calendar , I have to look at both calendars to see events ?? Miss appointments:(:( seems google calendar current vs OneCalendar that I upgraded ???? oneCalendar, google, exchange,
On Windows 10, OneCaledanr no longer syncing with iCloud Calendar
I have had OneCalendar about 6 months and up until about 2 weeks ago worked seemlessly with my iCloud Calendar. Now, every time I open OneCalendar, I get "Synchronisation completed with "n" errors (where n can be anything from 1 to 8) and my calendar does not get updated. In an attempt to fix, I uninstalled / re-installed the app (which I have paid for) and now I see no calendar items and continue to get the Synchronisation errors. Help please!
App no longer syncing with my iPad pro from not S10
Please help. That is the sole reason I chose OneCalendar
Caldav error in decoding data: System.Exception: Start after End
Hi, I am getting the following system exception when trying to sync with my NextCloud calendar. I am not sure if this is a bug with OneCalendar or if the site really sends wrong data.
The effect could have been caused by moving (by dragging) a calendar entry to another day/time. The move went visually ok but when I opened the moved entry, it still showed the old date/time, if I remember correctly. The following sync showed the error, and this is now happening with every sync operation.
full-day events are always transmitted with +0h Greenwich
Very nice app, but following bug:
- Full-day events are always transmitted with +0h Greenwich time from iPad, +1h Stand EUE time needed -> error: whole day event s are transferred into normal time dates in other apps/ phone
- iPad One-calendar connection to apple cal in iPad, time zones all correct
- Problem only appears in one calendar, not in apple calendar
On iPad Pro the week view has mangled text
It looks like the second line of text is superimposed on the first line so is unreadable.
Also, in all views, text is all underlined which I’m sure is not intended