It would be great if One Calendar could include an option to print the calendar while hiding the appointment titles by replacing them with special characters (like * or #)
It would be great if One Calendar could include an option to print the calendar while hiding the appointment titles by replacing them with special characters (like * or #)
Monthly view temporal sorting
In the monthly view, the tasks that we have just added to the calendar appear on top of the previous task. If we can add the ability to show the newly added tasks lower, we can follow a completion order from the previously added tasks to the more recently added ones.
Today button
Have a today button when doing other settings bring back to present day
Markierung für den heutigen Tag
Man kann den aktuellen Tag in der Monatsübersicht kaum finden. Dieser sollte deutlich markiert sein, evtl. als ein rotes Feld. Ich vermisse die vielen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten von „Bussines Calendar 2“…. 😔
Disable Holidays
We need an option to disable holidays