locally add reminders to shared calendars
If wife creates Icloud Family event, on iphone I would like to add a local reminder to the event on my phone.
Quickly toggle calendar visibility
I have my personal calendar and my work calendar setup, as well as my S/O’s work calendar. They have 6/7 appointments a day, and it dominates my calendar view. I’d appreciate a quick way to toggle certain calendars from being included in the view, maybe in the hamburger menu?
pay functions
Too many functions pay on iPhone
it’s very hard to switch from Google cal to One cal
More colors for event appts
Love this app because of the weak view. But please add more color options for appts. also perhaps a lighter faded option for times events and full color for all day events would be great.
Chance calendar
I miss a feature, where I can change the entry. For example I have a meeting, first set up in „normal“ calendar, then I want to change it to „work“ calendar
I chose $5.99 subscription. I have the preselected colors on my windows/microsoft laptop. I would like to have these same color options on my Iphone & Ipad. I am a seniior citizen on a limited income. I cannot afford to pay for separate subscriptions. M
I have some events that happen every 2nd Sunday and every 3rd Friday. I would like to be able for these events to be recurring each month so that I don't have to manually enter them. Colors syncing betwenn windows and IOS. Iwant my Windows 11 Laptop, Iphone 13, and 2019 Ipad synced.
Pouvoir changer de couleur pour chaque rendez vous
Bonjour, j’ai pris votre option premium en pensant qu’avec je pourrai avoir plusieurs couleurs de proposées pour chaque type de rendez-vous or on ne peut changer que le travail et le domicile. Je trouve ça vraiment dommage car pour les gens comme moi qui utilisent beaucoup de couleurs c’est très frustrant…
Make deleting an entry easier!!
It takes 4 clicks to delete an item, and if it is one entry of a series, it generates an error message, that needs to be clicked away also... Very cumbsy and inefficient, multiple deleting is not possible either.
Feature request: marking an entry and just hitting delete like it works in other calendars
microsoft to do app synced with one calendar
Hello, I would love to have all of my notes with dates from microsoft to do app synced in one calendar. that would be soo helpful.
Add ability to print (list, day, week or month)
It's just a missing feature and you guys should add it to the app.
Add the feature to import .ics, .olm and other calendar file types instead of forcing users to connect their actual accounts with your app.
It would be really nice to be able import calendars instead of having to fork over account names and passwords. There are specific calendars from each service that I want to track with this app but I am unable to simply import an .ics or .olm file. Being a third-party app, this makes me leery about security.
Snooze function
Would like to have a snooze feature for events that use a dropdown box with pre-determined time intervals (i.e.: 5, 15, 30, 60 mins.)
Import/open of invite.vcs
When others share an meeting invite Android offers to open the invite with standard calendar but not with onecalendar. Currently I have to save it with standard calendar in Google and then I can copy it with onecalendar to the wanted calendar. It would be good to have a direct open .ics possibility.