Drag and drop events
Better support for drag and drop of events would be nice. As it is now, you have to go through quite many taps to get an event moved onto a new date.
Able to rename a calendar
Similar to google calendar, the ability to rename calendar when you have shared calendars between people.
Has ability to change repeat event settings
If you set up an event to be repeated at a regular interval, like weekly, that setting does not go away. If you accidentally forget to put a time limit it goes on forever and has to be removed manually from each event.
Attach documents to appointments
It would be a real handy feature to be able to attach a document to an appointment so i didnt have to look through my phone to find the document.
open a link to a teams or zoom meeting directly from OneCalendar
It would be nice to be able to open a link to a teams or zoom meeting directly from OneCalendar. Now you have to copy the link and open it in a browser
Snooze function
Would like to have a snooze feature for events that use a dropdown box with pre-determined time intervals (i.e.: 5, 15, 30, 60 mins.)
Hyperlinks are not selectable/cannot be tapped to follow within event descriptions.
I would like my OneCalendar to by synced across all my devices. I have to have a separate one on my computer and phone.
I would like OneCalendar to sync across all my devices. When I make an appointment on the OneCalendar on my computer it doesn’t update my OneCalendar on my phone. It would be nice if they were synced.
Q: Do you currently support the calendar application TimeTree? Thank you for your response.
A: Thank you for your feedback. That feature is currently not supported. Please post a feature request on https://support.onecalendar.nl/s2-onecalendar-ios/ideas (if it is not already there) and vote for it. We only have limited time and will try building features with the most votes.
Kind regards,
Add one callendar feature to synchronize reminders from google callendars
Add one callendar feature to synchronize reminders from google callendars please
SIMPLE ONE: Clearer indication of current date in new appointment view
When entering a new appointment the monthly calendar pops up so you can select which date you want for the appointment. So far so good.
The problem is the current date is nearly impossible to see…it is highlighted (see attached) in bold but it hardly jumps out. Could you make the current date another colour such as red or put a box around it perhaps?
As you’ll see in the example screenshot the 3rd May (the current day) looks almost identical to any other day. Imagine looking at this on a small smartphone display; near impossible to see. A box
Month widget
I would love to see a widget with a month view. I need to be able to see what’s happening on my month without having to open the app all the time. That’s the only things that’s impacting on my adherence to this app.
Add ToDos, Reminders & Tasks
App is called “OneCalendar”. Please add todos, Reminders & tasks so we don’t have to use other calendars for these things. thanks
Skip the ‘open series/open occurrence’ step
When a user clicks to open an ongoing calendar entry, it always prompts to open the single occurrence of that day, or to open the series. I find it clunky and redundant to ask every single time, especially for users who don’t have permissions to edit entries (like my employees).
A more elegant solution would be to have a button somewhere within the single-occurrence entry that takes you to the series. This way, the series/occurrence system is not disturbed, but the user doesn’t have to click twice every time they want to view an entry. It’s essentially a UI change.
Add an appointment to a specific date by double tapping that date in calendar on main screen
I love the app. However, one thing goes wrong SO OFTEN: the right date in new appointments. In the app, I always see the calendar in top half of my phone, and the appointment list in the bottom half. Instinctively, I tap on the date where I want to add an appointment. That is how you do that in most apps, so I am used to it. And it makes complete sense. However that doesn't do anything in OneCalendar! Only if there is already an appointment, it will scroll to that date in the appointment list, but consequently tapping on
auto import contact data into calendar appointment
remember apple newton and palm pilot?
when an appointment was scheduled all the contact information was automatically imported into the calendar - have not come across a calendar program that has done that since