Syncing CalDAV Error: no response

I have just launched my own calendar server.
This works brilliantly on all my devices, I can access, update and edit all events just fine.

However, I'm having trouble linking up with OneCalendar.
Using Davx5 and other apps, the calendar is accessible but davx5 is creating other problems so I want to drop it.

With this, I want to emphasize that I have verified that my calendar generally works on other devices.

However, when trying to add the CalDAV URL to oneCalendar I get the NO RESPONSE error and can't add the calendar to the app.
That's a huge disappointment and I'd appreciate the help.

Thanks in advacne

4 replies


I have the same problem and I can't fix it. Since two weeks my OneCalendar on Windows does not accept my connection (see error message below). The same connection was going since a year without a problem and it is even working on my Android phone with the same connection settings. Is it a problem of the new version?



I'm here also because my OwnCloud installation uses Let's Encrypt certs, and I get the same error from OneCalendar.

This is a big issue. Unacceptable TLS certificates should cause an explicit error, and not just something cryptic like "no response".

And of course perfectly valid certificates shouldn't cause this error to begin with ;-)


Same problem here. Certificates from Let's encrypt aren't trusted by OneCalendar, even though they are perfectly valid.

I'd say this is a bug.


I had the same problem now and bashed my head at it again and again. It finaly worked for me after I disabled validation of SSL-Certificates. Which is strange, since the certificates are from Let's Encrypt and should be trustet.