Add ability to set multiple alarms for reminders and appointments

Can you add the ability to set multiple alarms for reminders and appointments? The Google calendar has that feature, and it really helps. For example, I might want to give myself a 1-2 day advance warning about an event and another an hour before it. That’s a valuable feature. For some events, I set multiple reminders.

11 replies


I totally agree with this idea and I would like to add one idea more.

Please add a possibility to set a reminder for a specific date/time. But the specific date/time reminder should be possible to choose in calendar view (not any roller/knobs with only date). It is very important when it is needed to plan not only events, but also time to prepare for event e.g. last weekend in month before the event.


Please consider adding this, this is a critical feature of a calendar app and was the one thing that made me hesitate when buying pro.


This is a dealbreaker for me. I will not buy the app until this is done. Otherwise I like the app.


So this is the top request for and was posted 2 years ago... is it ever going to happen?


Yes I would love to use this app to replace the default iOS one as it has some nice features but multiple reminders are a necessity for me. Just one reminder can easily be missed plus I need reminding a few days in advance then on the day just before the appointment when I have to leave. 


Multiple reminders is also a dealbreaker for me. I like everything else about OneCalendar far better than any of the other options available. I would purchase and switch over in a heartbeat if multiple reminders were available.


Nice app but without ability to create or sync multiple reminders for an event…i will mot by the pro version.  Every other calendar app has this functionality on their base product….whats the delay!


I just realized this isn't possible and this is an absolutely massive missing feature - a must have.


The fact that this was brought up four years ago, is offered by (seemingly) every other calendar app, and still isn’t included by now is telling. I have been trying out the app and am willing to get the premium version but yesterday had the ‘wait a minute’ moment when I realized that only one reminder could be sent for a new appointment. I wanted two. My calendar app on android allows up to five. This has one. I’d actually be fine if it was a premium feature. But it needs to be part of the app or else this can’t be a daily driver. Four years? Come on devs. 


It's a great calendar App. I'm a premium user, but I can't use it without this multiple alarm feature.