Editing appointments inefficiencies
I find that with editing appointments I miss some functionality which would make the app a lot more powerfull for me as user.
- The ability to make an existing appointment repeating does not exist (I need to make a new appointment with all information and put in the repeating option. Especially annoying when forgetting to put in the repeat option)
- The abilty to change the repeat settings of a range. (I need to delete the current range, make a new appointment with all information and put in the changed repeat settings. Especially annoying when making a mistake with the repeat settings, or when changes occur)
- The abilty to change the calendar (I have to make a new appointment with all information and select the correct calendar. especially annoying when forgetting to put the appointment in the correct calendar)
I did not check for other things which cannot edited on an existing appointment. But its pretty annoying for appointments with more information then just the time and a titel.