Top Topics

  • 13

    More snooze options

    Eric Armstrong · 1 · Last reply by Enrico Montefusco

    The current set of snooze options is very limited, with huge gaps, and no opportunities for customization. Outlook does it decently. I suggest looking at that app as a model. Note: The best strategy I have found to keep from missing appointments is "half-life" snoozes. Calendars don't seem to be compatible with my brain, so I depend on a series of reminders that goes something like this: 1. One week 2. Three days 3. One day 4. Twelve hours 5. Four hours 6. 2 hours 7. 1 hour. 8. 15 minutes 9. 5 minutes

  • 13

    Edit a series / recurring appointment

    OneCalendar · 2 · Last reply by Jonhewitt Uk

    If you create a repeating event, then attempt to edit you can only edit the individual appointment not the series.

  • 12

    The ability to add timezone to an appointment.

    Torbenstroyberg · 1 · Last reply by Daniel

    It is prone to errors having to convert a meeting in a different timezone (travel). Would be easier and better to add a timezone if need be.

  • 12

    Automatically combine duplicate calendar events into one event

    Jkillian4 · 0 · Posted

    Sometimes there is a need to have the same event listed on different calendars (personal and work). Many apps automatically combine events with the same title on different calendars into one event (Google, Fantastical, etc). This would be super help! 

  • 12

    Change calender for event & multiple events in the same time slot

    Michael · 1 · Last reply by 雪奈

    I'm using this app with multiple google calendars. Sometimes it happens that I choose the wrong calendar when creating an event. At the moment I see not possibility to change the calendar once the event has been created since in the event properties the calender choice is disabled. And when dragging events it's not possible to drag an event to a time slot at which another event is already created (no matter if it's the same calendar or another one). However, when editing an event, the time can be set to that particular time slot in the event properties. It

  • 12

    Option to enable 15 minute time blocks

    Kate Vanroelen · 1 · Last reply by Sebastian

    I often have meetings that last 15 minutes, but now they display as 30 minute blocks, which makes a lot of my meetings overlap. Could you add an option to enable a slightly smaller font and 15 minute blocks? Thanks for your consideration.

  • 11

    The ability to navigate quicckly back to "today" as in Google calendar. .

    Carmen Cordova · 0 · Posted

    When looking forward, or in the past, it would be nice to easily get back to the current day, week, month, etc with a click of a button as opposed to scrolling through the days, weeks, months, etc.

  • 11

    Flexible views

    G Phillips · 2 · Last reply by Emily Greenman

    We have day/week/month/year but there are so many other useful views, e.g.

    • fortnight
    • fourteen days starting today
    • four weeks starting this week
    • this week in detail, next two weeks in summary
    • etc, etc.

    These could be pre-defined, or, better still, user-definable.

  • 10

    Dim past events just like Google Calendar on Web

    Alexandre Machado · 0 · Posted

    Please add the ability to choose an option to dim past events, like Google Calendar on Web.

    P.S.: Locale of the screenshots = pt-br

  • 9

    Minimize instead of closing / Windows · 1 · Last reply by Amin


    please add an option to "Minimze instead of close" when i press the X button.

    its more natural to press the X button, but then you get no notification , sync and everythin else anymore.

    this is so anoying. 

  • 9

    It would be very nice to have more color options for events

    Deniz · 0 · Posted

     I have 9 Students, and would like to give each Student a different color for planned events.

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    Hover Over shows daily events in YEAR view

    Dyap1 · 0 · Posted

    Please can you implement a feature where if the mouse pointer hovers over a day in the Year View the items on that day are displayed.

    This is helpful for those of us who plan a year in advance.

    Alternatively if the back button could be defined to go back to the year view after clicking into a month that would be great.

  • 9

    Select multiple email or sms reminders as in google

    OneCalendar · 0 · Posted

    In google calender every appointment can have multiple reminders set of either a pop up, sms or email at differing schedules before an event. This feature is essential so an appointment or preparation befire an appointment is not missed.

  • 7

    I would like reminders to pop up and keep popping up at interval until it is properly acknowledged not just dismissed

    Gwf · 0 · Posted

    I would like if possible, for the system ( As an Option as not everyone would like it) for the reminder system in the calendar, to pop up on the desktop or phone not the once and never again, but to be persistent until properly acknowledge not just dismissed. From the the point at which the reminder is set, with a repeat reminder option. ( like a snooze option on an alarm clock.)

  • 7

    Drag events to calendar without having to specify move to new time

    Anaquelmd · 2 · Last reply by Patrick Gazzoli

    When you drag an event onto the calendar, a window appears asking you if you want to move or copy it and to specify a new time. In my opinion it would be more comfortable if I could deactivate that option, since the function is less comfortable and fluid.

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    Today Button more prominent on top please · 0 · Posted

    This button is needed often and not very prominent at the moment.

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    Quick color change of all events meeting a specific criteria

    Fyacucci · 1 · Last reply by Ben

    I would like to see a way to change the colors of all events enmasse that meet a specific criteria. For example if I want to change all events named 'work' from one color to another color it would be very helpful to them all at once rather than each one individually.

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    Longer appointment history, please!

    Stefan · 1 · Last reply by John S

    3 years are very limiting, aren't they? My Microsoft calendar is much older. Pity we need to resort to Outlook, when searching for past appointments and events, older than 3 years. Search function and display of results are so much prettier in One Calendar, than they are in Microsoft's app! Could we have 20 years, please? No need for the database to fit on a floppy disk :)

    Kind regards, Stefan

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    Time zone support

    Mhabekos · 0 · Posted

    The support of time zones would make this calendar app even more powerful. I have often meeting invites from Europe (I live in North America) and even different time zones in the US can make things sometimes a bit difficult. Supporting time zones and the ability to set your time zone in the calendar independent from the time zone one is currently in would be fantastic.

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    copy a read only event to another calendar

    Hangyong · 1 · Last reply by Thomas Lindenhäll

    use case: copying an event from a read only calendar to a personal calendar

    Issue: Currently, if a google calendar (e.g. school calendar) is read only, we are not able to copy/duplicate any events within it to a personal calendar (e.g. synology calendar). WIthout putting it to personal calendar, I will not be able to set a reminder. What i currently need to do, is to 1. go to google calendar 2. duplicate the event to my own google calendar 3. go to one calendar on PC 4. Sync 5. Copy the duplicated event in 2. above to my synology