Is there a way to sort/change the order of how all day events appear?

I'd like them by calendar type/color?  Right now it's a crap shoot - and for folks like me that are so OCD we call it CDO (because it's alphabetical that way) this is a huge stressor (it sounds crazy, i know)

2 replies


Bardzo popieram sortowanie w wydarzeniach całodziennych proponuję też by była możliwość ustawienia wydarzeń według alfabetu można by wtedy samemu ustawiać kolejność wpisując przed wydarzeniem jedną z liter alfabetu


I would also very much want a feature like this. It would be helpful to choose the order the "all day events" appeared.

Not many calendars have this feature now (I only know Lotus Organizer 5.0 from 1997 has it) so this could be a selling point to get this feature in OneCalendar.