Add an appointment to a specific date by double tapping that date in calendar on main screen

I love the app. However, one thing goes wrong SO OFTEN: the right date in new appointments.

In the app, I always see the calendar in top half of my phone, and the appointment list in the bottom half.

Instinctively, I tap on the date where I want to add an appointment. That is how you do that in most apps, so I am used to it. And it makes complete sense.

However that doesn't do anything in OneCalendar! Only if there is already an appointment, it will scroll to that date in the appointment list, but consequently tapping on the plus forgets the date you just tapped cmpletely.

So I then press +. Then have to go to start date, tap it. Then a popup calendar (another one). Then choose date.

Why not double tap on the day in the calendar on the start screen and voila, add an appointment on that date? It would save a LOT of wrong dates in appointments, and it is just a hell of a lot faster and more intuitive! Small addition, great results!

1 reply

Thanks for reporting, you are right, we will look into fixing this.