No reminder at all if reminder-time > time left before the event

At 7:22 pm, I put in a test event for 8 pm, with a 1-hour reminder.

After creating the event, I see it in my calendar, but to my surprise I didn't 
see a reminder.

So I modified to give me a 30-minute reminder. It's now 7:28. I'm waiting to
see what I get.

(If I don't have a noticeable reminder that grabs my attention, that's the end of
the experiment. I need a calendar system specifically for reminders--'cuz I'm
somewhat "calendarically challenged".)

Ah. That worked. There is a nice STICKY reminder at the bottom right that STAYS
there until I click dismiss, to be sure I've seen it. Nice! (I like the MailBird client, but
it's notifications go away, which makes them perfectly useless! That's why I'm here.)

But as long as I have your ear, here are some observations about Settings > Notifications:

1. There is a setting for Birthday reminders, but I haven't seen any way to mark an
    event as a "Birthday". There is a premium option to choose a color code, and the
    color that's displayed looks like the birthday color. But those two options need to be
    on the same page. Either they're both "Event type" options, or both "Color Code" options.

2. There is a "Default Reminder" setting. Glad to see that. 

3. There is also a totally mysterious "Default Reminder (Whole Day)". I have no idea
    what that could be. Might that be a "SAME Day" default, for when you're creating
    an event/appointment later in the day?

Finally, please let me know when Zoom-integration or live links are supported (or even
when they're planned!). Happy to send you some $$$ for that.